Sang-sik Hong (Seoul, South Korea, 1974) holds an MFA in Sculpture from Mokwon University and is a member of several sculptural associations. His works have been showcased across the globe, with exhibitions in Singapore, Switzerland, New York, and London, and featured in popular art fairs such as Context Art Miami, Art Southampton, and Art New York. Starting out using dried noodles as an affordable medium, he developed his signature technique over time, creating works that are structurally complex and often illuminated with LED backlighting. Hong's work features delicate imagery that evokes a sense of desire and power, challenging the materiality of the medium used. Today, Sang-sik’s works are created from plastic drinking straws which are all hand cut and placed according to their lengths to create dazzling texture and color. The color comes from the back of the box in which they are mounted, and the variation in straw lengths makes the color change as the spectator walks past. Hong creates body parts, mainly lips, with everyday materials that are inorganic and rigid, which gives a certain contrast to the images he produces, which are supposed to be smooth body parts of the human form.
    Sang-sik Hong (Seúl, Corea del Sur, 1974) tiene una maestría en escultura de la Universidad de Mokwon y es miembro de varias asociaciones escultóricas. Sus obras se han exhibido en todo el mundo, con exposiciones en Singapur, Suiza, Nueva York y Londres, y presentadas en ferias de arte populares como Context Art Miami, Art Southampton y Art New York. Comenzó utilizando fideos secos como un medio asequible, y con el tiempo desarrolló su técnica distintiva, creando obras estructuralmente complejas y a menudo iluminadas con retroiluminación LED. El trabajo de Hong presenta imágenes delicadas que evocan una sensación de deseo y poder, desafiando la materialidad del medio utilizado. Hoy en día, las obras de Sang-sik se crean a partir de pajillas (popotes) de plástico cortadas a mano y colocadas según su longitud para crear texturas y colores deslumbrantes. El color proviene de la parte posterior de la caja en la que están montados, y la variación en la longitud de la pajilla hace que el color cambie a medida que el espectador pasa. Hong crea partes del cuerpo, principalmente labios, con materiales cotidianos que son inorgánicos y rígidos, lo que da cierto contraste con las imágenes que produce, que se supone que son partes suaves del cuerpo de la forma humana.

Mono V

Epoxy on canvas
91 x 91 cm
35.8 x 35.8 in

Mono S

Epoxy on canvas
91 x 91 cm
35.8 x 35.8 in

Peach 3

Plastic straws inside acrylic box
35 x 35 x 12 cm
13.8 x 13.8 x 4.7 in
Edition 4 of 10

Mouth 242-B

Plastic straws inside acrylic box
40 x 40 x 12 cm
15.8 x 15.8 x 4.7 in
Edition 1 of 5

Mouth 196

Plastic straws inside acrylic box
40 x 40 x 12 cm
15.8 x 15.8 x 4.7 in
Edition 8 of 10


Plastic straws inside acrylic box
50 x 93 x 12 cm
19.7 x 36.6 x 4.7 in
Edition 5 of 5

Mouth 195-B

Plastic straws inside acrylic box
50 x 50 x 12 cm
19.7 x 19.7 x 4.7 in
Edition 5 of 10

Mouth 195

Plastic straws inside acrylic box
50 x 50 x 12 cm
19.7 x 19.7 x 4.7 in
Edition 6 of 10


Slim straws inside acrylic box
140 x 79 cm
55 x 31 in

Eye 2-Brown

Slim straws inside acrylic box
60 x 90 cm
23.6 x 35.4 in
Edition 2 of 5

Mouth 241

Plastic straws inside acrylic box
40 x 40 x 12 cm
15.8 x 15.8 x 4.7 in
Edition 1 of 5

Mouth 196-B

Plastic straws inside acrylic box
40 x 40 x 12 cm
15.8 x 15.8 x 4.7 in
Edition 4 of 10


Plastic straws inside acrylic box
90 x 35 x 12 cm
35.4 x 13.8 x 4.7 in
Edition 2 of 10